"There is no greater symbol of Noxian might than Darius, the nation's most feared and battle-hardened commander. Rising from humble origins to become the Hand of Noxus, he cleaves through the empire's enemies—many of them Noxians themselves. Knowing that he never doubts his cause is just, and never hesitates once his axe is raised, those who stand against the leader of the Trifarian Legion can expect no mercy."

- Divine God-King Darius
- 28-Aug-2024
- Special

- Porcelain Darius
- 22-Feb-2024
- 1350

- Spirit Blossom Darius
- 06-Oct-2022
- 1350

- Crime City Nightmare Darius
- 26-Aug-2021
- 1350

- Lunar Beast Darius
- 04-Feb-2021
- 1350

- High Noon Darius
- 10-Oct-2019
- 1350

- God-King Darius
- 27-Jun-2018
- 1820

- Dreadnova Darius
- 12-Apr-2017
- Special

- Academy Darius
- 26-Aug-2015
- 750

- Dunkmaster Darius
- 12-Oct-2014
- 1820

- Woad King Darius
- 16-Jun-2013
- 975

- Bioforge Darius
- 13-Nov-2012
- 975

- Lord Darius
- 22-May-2012
- 975