"Blessed with massive biceps and an even bigger heart, Braum is a beloved hero of the Freljord. Every mead hall north of Frostheld toasts his legendary strength, said to have felled a forest of oaks in a single night, and punched an entire mountain into rubble. Bearing an enchanted vault door as his shield, Braum roams the frozen north sporting a mustachioed smile as big as his muscles—a true friend to all those in need."

- Pool Party Braum
- 09-Jun-2021
- 1350

- Sugar Rush Braum
- 17-Dec-2019
- 1350

- Crime City Braum
- 23-Aug-2018
- 1350

- Santa Braum
- 14-Dec-2016
- 1350

- Braum Lionheart
- 07-Dec-2015
- 750

- El Tigre Braum
- 21-Jan-2015
- 1350

- Dragonslayer Braum
- 11-May-2014
- 975